Data We Collect and How We Use It
Personally Identifiable Information
We collect your email address if you communicate with us by email,
as well as other information that you might supply voluntarily.
If you register online to create an account with us, we ask you for your name,
your company name, title, billing and shipping addresses, electronic mail ("email") address,
telephone and fax numbers; we may also ask whether you want to receive updates on
particular topics that may be of interest to you.
If you purchase a product or service at our site, over the telephone,
or through the mail, we will also ask for your credit card number,
customer number, or other account number you wish to be charged.
We do not give out your payment information to unaffiliated third
parties unless it is necessary to fulfill our responsibilities, including,
but not limited to, delivering a product or service you order.
We may use personally identifiable information we collect
to process your orders, respond to an email or other inquiry or request,
to help improve our website and our services, to customize your experience at our website,
or to send updates or notices about our company and the products we offer that
we think may be of interest to you. We may also combine this information with
other generally or publicly available information to help us identify visitors'
preferences or interests. We may provide information that identifies you to companies
that assist us in these activities, such as helping us fulfill your request for a product,
service, or information. However, in those instances where we share such information with a
third party, we have signed agreements with those companies that include provisions protecting
the confidentiality of such information. We do not permit unaffiliated third parties to
use personally identifiable information except for the purpose of providing such services.
We do not sell or rent customer information in any way to unaffiliated third parties.
We may also obtain personally identifiable information
from non-profit organizations for use in assisting those
organizations with their fundraising activities.
In the course of providing such assistance, we will receive,
from the client non-profit organization, personally identifiable
information about its members or other supporters. However,
we do not receive personally identifiable information directly
from consumers in connection with those activities,
and any personal information provided by consumers in response to
those fundraising activities are received directly
by the applicable non-profit organization.
Children's Privacy
Barton Cotton Religious Products & Services, LLC.'s web site is intended for adults.
We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.
However, if the parent or guardian of a child under 13 believes that the
child has provided us with personally identifiable information, the parent or
guardian of that child should contact us at if
they want this information deleted from our files. If Barton Cotton Religious Products & Services, LLC. otherwise obtains knowledge that it has personally identifiable information about a child under 13 in its files, we will delete that information from our existing
files so that it is not in retrievable form.
Cookies & Computer-Related Information
Cookies are small pieces of information stored by your browser on
your computer's hard drive and are used in website system administration to keep track
of movement of an individual from one screen to another. This information may be used
by our staff to detect and resolve website problems and to assist with customer
support concerns. You may choose to have this information stored on our site in
order to save any items you have placed in your "Shopping Cart"
but have not yet purchased. We do not collect any personally
identifiable information about site visitors in this process.
Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually
change your browser to prevent this. Please be assured that accepting a
cookie does not give us access to your computer or personal information
under any circumstances. If you disable cookies, you will still be able to
order and use other features of If you experience any problems,
please contact Customer Service at , or 1-800-638-4652.
Our web server automatically collects information from your computer and
navigation patterns when you visit our site, including your Internet Protocol (IP) address,
the computer's operating system, the type of browser you use, and the specific web pages
visited during your connection. We may also track data such as the total number of visits
to our website and the number of visitors to each page of our website.
We may use this information, in aggregate form,
for system maintenance and to better understand how our visitors use our site and
services so that we can make them better. Barton Cotton Religious Products & Services, LLC. may also share statistical
or demographic information in aggregate form with third parties for marketing or
research purposes. This aggregate data will not contain any information that personally
identifies you.